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1879 antique HOLLIS nh HISTORY map genealogy slavery indian revolutionary war

Description: 1879 antique HOLLIS nh HISTORY map genealogy slavery indian revolutionary warSCROLL DOWN for MORE PHOTOS in DESCRIPTION Click HERE to view or search ANTIQUE.COTTAGE listings. This listing is for the original hardcover, cloth over board book, 393 pages, measures approx 6"x9". The engravings are on thick cardstock and blank on the back. History of the Town of Hollis, New Hampshire by Samuel Worcester. Boston: A. Williams & Co., 1879. List and Place of Engravings:1. Map of Hollis, (facing title page) 2. Map of Old Dunstable, Holies, Merrimack and Monson . 50 3. First and Second Meeting House 64 4. Portrait of Dea. Daniel Emerson 209 5. Portraits of Hon. Ralph E. Tenney and Wife 214 6. The Tenney Homestead 215 7. Portraits of Jesse Worcester and Wife 21G 8. The Worcester Homestead 217 9. The Soldiers' Monument 220 10. Portrait of Lieut. John H. Worcester 281 11. Portrait of Lieut. Charles H. Farley 233 12. Portrait of Rev. Ell Smith 238 13. Portrait of Rev. Pliny B. Day,240 14. The Third HoUis-Meeting-House as Remodelled in 1840 . . 245 15. The High School House 281 IG. Portrait of Miss Mary S. Farley 282 17. Portrait of Hon. Benjamin M. Farley 202 18. Portrait of Samuel T. Worcester 20G 19. Portrait of Joseph E. Worcester, li.. i> 208 20. Portrait of Rev. Ralph Emerson, i>. p 800 21. Portrait of Rev. Samuel Worcester, n. i> 802 22. Portrait of Rev. Caleb J. Tenney, d. d 804 28. Portrait of Rev. Noah Worcester, i>. d 814 24. Portrait of Hon. Henry 0. Little 881 25. Portrait of Luther Prescott Hubbard 882 CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. OLD DUNSTABLE. 1678 to 1789. Charters of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Companies; Grants of New Hampshire to Capt. John Mason ; Charter of Old Dunstable ; Grantees and Proprietors ; Origin of the Name ; Compact of the Grantees and Settlers ; Honse Lots laid out ; King Philip's War ; First Meeting House and Minister; First Birth, Marriage and Death; King William's War; Queen Anne's War ; Capt. LoTewell*s Fight ; The Return of Peace and its Effects; Population; First Dismemberments of Old Dunstable . 17—80. CHAPTER II. WEST DUNSTABLE. 1780 to 1789. Names of the First Settlers of West Dunstable, and where they Settled; Towns from which they came; First Petition for a Town Cliartcr; Names of the Petitioners ; Second Petition for a Town Charter; Names of the Signers ; Remonstrance against the Second Petition ; West Dunstable Chartered as a Parish 81 — 89. CHAPTER III. THE PARISH OF WEST DUNSTABLE. 1739 to 1746. Its Area and Boundaries; The Tax of Non-residents; The First Parish Meeting and First Parish Omccrs; The First MeetingHouse and its location ; The First Parish Tax ; The Non-Resident Tax and Disposal of It; The District of Dunstable; Settlement of the new Province Line; Effects of the Decision; Preaching, and the Manner of Providing It; The Call to Rev. Mr. Emerson, the First Minister; The Settlement of Mr. Emerson, his Salary and how paid ; Old Tenor Currency 40 — 66. CHAPIER IV. HOLLIS. 1746 to 1760. The Charter of Hollis; Charter of the new Towus of Dunstable, Merrimack and Monsou ; Original Boundaries of those Towns ; Name of Hollis and its Origin ; The First Town Meeting and First Town Officers ; The Second Meeting-House ; Petition for a Land Tax ; Stocks and Whipping Post ; Pews and Pew Ground and to whom sold ; Care of the Meeting-House; Singing 57 — 73. CHAPTER V. BORDER TROUBLES WITH DUNSTABLE. 1740 to 1778. The One Pine Hill Controversy ; First Petition for the Annexation of One Pine Hill to Hollis; Second Petition for the Annexation of One Pine Hill; Contest in the Gcnerul Court; One Pine Hill Finally Annexed to Hollis; 'Second Border Controversy with Dunstable; The Nashua River Bridge, and Dispute in respect to ^he Building and Support of it ; Compromise and Final Settlement . . 74 — 84. CHAPTER VI. HISTORY OF MONSON. 1746 to 1770. First Town Election in Monson, and First Town Officers ; Town Officers from 1746 to 1770; Petition to the General Court for Scouts and Guards ; Petition to be Kelieved fVcm Taxation ; Unsuccessful Efforts to Maintain a School, to Support Preaching, Build a Meeting-House or Find a Meeting-House place ; Bepeal of the Charter and Division of the Town; The Mile Slip, Charters of liaby, Wilton, Mason, Duxbury and Milford 85— 98 CHAPTER VII. MILITARY HISTORY. 1746 to 1768. The Provincial Militia l^w; First Militia Company in Hollis and its Officers; French and Indian War of 1744 ; Petitions rov Garrisons and Scouts; The French and Indian War of 17C4; Hollis Officers and Soldiers in the War of 1754 94—101- CHAPTER VIII. COLONIAL SCHOOL LAW AND SCHOOLS. 1746 to 1776. Schools in Hollis before the Revolution ; School Taxes ; School Squadrons or Districts ; The First School-Houses ; The Hollis Grammar School ; Teachers of the Grammar School ; Names of Hollis Graduates- of College, and of Ministers and Thysicians not Graduates bom before 1776; Letter of Gov. John Wentworth to llcv. Mr. Bmerson lOSt— 108. CHAPTER IX. EARLY COLONIAL LAWS. 1746 to 1775. Town officers and their duties; Moderators of the Town Meetings; Selectmen; Constables; Field-Drivers; Tithing-Men ; Hog-Reeves ; Deer-Reeves ; Wolves and Rattlesnakes ; Voters and their Qualiflcations; Houses of Correction; The Stocks and Whipping-Post; Profane Cursing and Swearing; DeAunation; Insolence to Women; Petit Larceny ; The Poor and their Support ; Warning out of Town ; Slavery in New Hampshire before the Revolution ; Mode of Selling Negro Slaves . ' 109—117 CHAPTER X. THE NEW HAMPSHIRE GENERAL COURT. 1741 to 1775. Members of the New Hnmpshlrc General Court from Hollis and Dunstable before 1776. Justices of the Peace; Division of New Hampshire into Counties ; Organization of Hillsborough County ; County . Officers from Hollis ; The Pine Tree Law, its Unpopularity, and Trouble in Enforcing It; Riot at Weare and Trial of the Rioters; Gov. John Wentworth; His Personal Popularity: Address to, from the people of Hollis ; The First Trial for Murder in Hillsborough County ; Plea of the Benefit of Clergy ; Population of Hollis and other old Dunstable Towns In 1776; The Charter and Settlement of Plymouth by Emigrants from Hollis 118—127. CHAPTER XI. BIOGRAPHICAL. 1730 to 1754. Brief Biographical Sketches of a portion of the Early Settlers of Hollis from the year 1730 to the French nnd liulinn War of 1764; Full Lists of the names of the Tax Pnycrs on the Hollis Tnx Lists, Jan. 1, 1775, with the last Tzx Assessed by the Authority of the King 128—188- CHAPTER XII. THE BEGINNING OF THE REVOLUTION. 1774 and 1776. HollU Town Meetings; Patriotic Resolutions Hollis Militia Companies; The Alarm List; Capt. Wright's Company; Capt. Worcester's Company ; First, Second and Third County Congresses at Amherst ; Delegates to; Hollis Company of Minute Men to Lexington and Cambridge, April 19, 1776; Officers and Roll of this Company; Wages Paid by the Town 139—148- CHAPTER XIII. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 1776. Mollis Company at the Battle of Bunker Hill ; Company Roll, Descriptive List; Hollis Men in Other Companies; Commission of Capt. Dow; The Battle of Bunker Hill ; The March fh>m Cambridge under Col. Prescott ; Other Hollis and New Hampshire Soldiers in Col. Trcscott's Regiment; Names ,of the Hollis Men Killed and Wounded at Bunker Hill; Loss of Equipments of the Hollis Men in the Battle ; The New Hampshire Reinforcements in December, 1776; Desertion of the Connecticut Troops ; Letter of Gen. Sullivan to the New Hampshire Committee of Safety; Capt. Worcester's Company to Cambridge in December; Number of Hollis Soldiers the First Year of the War, and their Wages ; Amount Paid by tlie Town ; The Military Coat Voted ns a Bounty ; Story of a Patriotic Hollis Woman 149—162. CHAPTER XIV. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION CONTINUED. 1776. Names of the Hollis Soldiers the Second Year of the War; Volunteers in the Continental Army; In Col. Wingate's Regiment to Ticonderoga; In Col. Long's Regiment; In Col. Baldwin's Regiment to White Plains ; In Col. Gilman's Regiment ; Names in the Return of Capt. Goss ; The Hollis Tories 163—168. CHAPTER XV. THE THIRD YEAR OF THE WAR. 1777. Committee of Safety for 1777 ; The Town's Quota for the Continental Army; Names of the Thirty Continental Soldiers for 1777; Patriotic Pledges of Forty-eight Hollis Minute Men; The Ticonderoga Alum; Company of Capt. Emerson ; Its Marches to Walpolc and Cavendish, Vt. ; Company of Capt. Goss ; Hollis Soldiers at the Buttle of Bennington ; Wages of the Men, and Amount Tald by the Town In 1777 ; Depreciation of the Continental Paper Money, and Law to Fix Prices . 169—177. CHAPTER XVI. THE FOURTH AND FIFTH YEARS OF THE WAR. 1778 and 1779. Doings of the Town Meetings and History of the War continental; Committees of Safety in 1778 and 1779; Continental Soldiers for 1778 and 1779, Names of the men engaged, and Wages and Bounties paid them; y61anteer8 to Rhode Island in 1778; Capt. Emerson's Mounted Company; Wages; Soldiers* Families; Leonard Whiting's War Tax ; Volunteers for Rhode Island and Portsmouth In 1779 ; Capt. Emerson's Commission ; Convention to flx Prices ; Continued Depreciation of Paper Money ; Small Pox In Hollis .... 178—187. CHAPTER XVII. THE SIXTH AND SEVENTH YEARS OF THE WAR. 1780 and 1781. Votes and Resolutions of the Town Meetings; Hollis Continental Quotas In 1780 and 1781; their Wnges and how paid; Militia for Wof»t Point nnd the Northern Frontier in 1780; Nnmes of the men and their Wnges ; Beef for the Army in 1780 and 1781, and how obtained ; The town dividc<1 into Classes; Rcvn In the Several Years of the War for the Suppression of tlie Rebellion ; Regiments in which they Enlisted, with the Date of Enlistment and Time of Ser>'ice and Discharge ; Casualties; Soldiers' Aid Society; Soldiers' Monument; Capt. Nathan M. Ames; Lt. John H. Worcester; Lt. Charles II. Farley . 218— 2S4. CHAPTER XXII. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 1748 to 1870. The Congregational Clnirch and Society; First Members of the Church ; Members of the Church before the Revolution; Ministers of the Society; Rev. Mr. Emerson; Rev. Mr. Smith; Rev. Mr. Perry; Rev, Mr. Aiken; Rev. Mr. Gordon; Rev. Dr. Day; Rev. Mr. Kelsey ; Rev. Mr. Scott; Deacons of the Church, with the Date of their Appointment and Decease; Young Men's Christian Ansoclation of One Hundred Years Ago ; Articles of Association ; Membership ; The Third Mollis Meeting-House; How and When Built, and Description of It; Ilollis Philanthropic Society; Hollls Benevolent Association; Ladies' Reading and Charitable Society ; Hollis Baptist Society ; Its Ministers, Deacons and Meetlng-House ......... 285—253. CHAPTER XXIII. MUNICIPAL HISTORY. 1739 to 187«. Parish Onicers of West Dunstable, 1730 to 1740; Officers of the District of Dunstable 1742 to 1745; Full Lists of Town Onicers in 1746 and 1748 ; Moderators of the Annual Town Meetings ; Town Clerks, Treasurers and Selectmen from 1746 to 1878 . . . 254— 2r»8. CHAPTER XXIV. POLITICAL HISTORY. 17S9 to 1870. Delegrates and Representatives to the Geucitil Court, Conventions, etc., from 1789 to 1870; Votes for State President from 1784 to 1702; Votes for Governor from 1702 to 1878 . . . 260— 26B. CHAPTER XXV. STATISTICAL HISTORY. Area; Soil; Productions; Rivers, Ponds and Brooks; Forest Trees, Lumber and Coopering; Population; Births and Deaths; Post Office and Post Masters; Tavern Keepers from 1702 to 1821; Justices of the Peace; Burial Grounds; Public Roads; Hollis Insurance Company. 264 — 272. CHAPTER XXVI. EDUCATIONAL HISTORY. 1775 to 1870. The Public Schools; School liaws and School Taxes; School Districts; "Hollis Sixty Years Ago;** State*s- Literary Fund; School Committees; School StatisticH in 1873; The High School; Miss Mary S. Farley ; The Social Library ; Hollis Lyceum and Public lectures ; Graduates of Collcffe from 1754 to 1878 278— 2S5. CHAPTER XXVII. BIOGRAPHY. Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard and Yale Colleges from 1764 to 1870 28G— 801. CHAPTER XXVIII. BIOGRAPHY. Biographical Slcctchcs of Graduates of Dartmouth, Middlebury, Brown, Amherst, Union, Maryvillc and Greenville Colleges from 1706 to 1877 a02— 818. CHAPTER XXIX. BIOGRAPHY. Biographical Sketches of Ministers, Physicians and Lawyers not Graduates of College 314— 32S. CHAPTER XXX. BIOGRAPHY. Physicians who have Settled in and Practised their Profession in Hollis, and Miscellaneous Biographical Sketches, viz., of Natlian Thayer, James Blood, James Parker, Jun., Henry G. Little, Luther P. Hubbard, Joseph Wheat, Dr. John Jones and Steplien Y. French . . :^24 — 340. CHAPITER XXXL LONGEVITY. Names of Sucli Persons as have Deceased siuce the Wai* of the Revolution at the Age of Eighty Years or More, whose Ages witli tlic Date of their Decease have been ascertaineil 341 — .'U2. CHAPITER XXXII. MARRIAGES. 1748 to 1877. Marriages to be found Recorded in the Records of the District of Dunstable — In the First Throe Volumes of the Original Hollis Records, and also in the other Hollis Records of Marriages ftom 1748 to 1877 343—301. CHAPTER XXXIII. FAMILY REGISTERS. 1789 to 1800. Family Rogistci*s of Births in Hollis tvoin 1739 to 1800, copied mainly from the First Three Volumes of the Hollis Records, also presenting, when ascertained, the Date of the Marriage of the Parents, the time of the Death of the Father, and the Full Maiden or Family Name of the Mother 862. Excellent original early family and/or town genealogy, history, antique, collectible heirloom and/or ephemera. autographCONDITION: See listing description and photos- International buyers are responsible to pay VAT or other Taxes to their countries as required.- eBAY collects and remits sales tax on behalf of several states. If you are a dealer, you can write to eBay to file a form to become tax exempt. LOC: LOC2: BOOKSHELF18-TMK Powered by SixBit's eCommerce Solution

Price: 124.95 USD

Location: Avondale, Pennsylvania

End Time: 2024-11-29T13:15:50.000Z

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1879 antique HOLLIS nh HISTORY map genealogy slavery indian revolutionary war1879 antique HOLLIS nh HISTORY map genealogy slavery indian revolutionary war1879 antique HOLLIS nh HISTORY map genealogy slavery indian revolutionary war1879 antique HOLLIS nh HISTORY map genealogy slavery indian revolutionary war1879 antique HOLLIS nh HISTORY map genealogy slavery indian revolutionary war1879 antique HOLLIS nh HISTORY map genealogy slavery indian revolutionary war1879 antique HOLLIS nh HISTORY map genealogy slavery indian revolutionary war1879 antique HOLLIS nh HISTORY map genealogy slavery indian revolutionary war1879 antique HOLLIS nh HISTORY map genealogy slavery indian revolutionary war1879 antique HOLLIS nh HISTORY map genealogy slavery indian revolutionary war1879 antique HOLLIS nh HISTORY map genealogy slavery indian revolutionary war1879 antique HOLLIS nh HISTORY map genealogy slavery indian revolutionary war1879 antique HOLLIS nh HISTORY map genealogy slavery indian revolutionary war

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Seller

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Topic: Historical

Publisher: A Williams & Co.

Author: Worcester

Binding: Hardcover

Language: English

Original/Facsimile: Original

Region: North America

Place of Publication: boston

Year Printed: 1879

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States


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